seventeenth meeting
I got a BIG M tonight! I thought the lady wrote a number on my card that would have represented the weight I lost this week but I couldn't figure out what the number was. I thought that her hand writing was just really, really messy. But it wasn't at all - it was an "M". M, I found out, stand for Maintained. I didn't lose at all. But on the bright side, I didn't gain either. I didn't think it was going to be a very good week. My internal plumbing has been kind of clogged this week and I feel really, really fat. I knew it wasn't going to be a good week when I stepped on the scale and the lady said, "Now don't get discouraged, sometimes this happens..." ;~[ I'm not discouraged. I'll just keep plugging away. 4.4 lbs. to go. Next week has GOT to be better -- I hope. The group as a whole only lost 2.4 lbs. So it was an off week for most all of us. Next week WILL be better!
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