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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

week seven

Many of the ladies in our group were bemoaning the fact that this wasn't going to be a good week because it's Easter, and all the chocolate bunnies, candy, etc. But I don't think it will be that big of a deal for me. I'm not really a "candy" kind of person. Now, if someone shows up at church Sunday morning with a dozen Krispy Kream donuts...well, then we might just have us a little problem folks.

Seriously, the family is all coming for Easter dinner on Sunday and I've already worked out what I am going to eat - I've planned ahead. I think that is REALLY the key to this whole thing, planning and preparation. I mean, if I go to work with a plan as far as what I am going to have for lunch I am far more apt to have a good nutritious lunch. But, if I don't have a plan, who knows what I might end up eating.

My thought for the week. Have a plan and STICK TO IT!

Well, you would think that someone who works with numbers all day could count to 24 without messing it up! However, yesterday, somehow, I misfigured and ate 26 points instead of the normal 24. As far as I know it is the only time in 7 weeks that I have gone over the allotted points. I was looking back over my journal last night (as I do most evenings) and I realized that I had counted a cup of milk that I had for breakfast as 1 point when actually it should have been 2. Then, when I was re-adding everything, I realized that I had made yet another mistake and actually, I was off by 2 points, not just one. I didn't beat myself up too bad...

You know that whole part last week about the low-impact exercise? Well, I'm back to the high-impact (somewhat). Yes, I am training for another road race. It is only a 5K (that's a little over 3 miles) and I have until April 23 to prepare, but I have to work up to these things. So, I'm working on it.


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