French Women Don't Get Fat
I'm getting this book today, "French Women Don't Get Fat." Here's a brief review: Most diets don't work. Why? Because the people who follow the diets are dieting. We deprive ourselves of the food we love until we reach a goal. That could take years! Or we eat the foods we love in minute portions, mere tastes. Does one half cup of Godiva's Belgian Dark Chocolate ice cream satisfy anyone? If one chooses to stick with a diet program forever, an almost permanent state of slimness occurs. Voila! Forever is a long time to live with state the obvious. And usually somewhere between resolution and goal, comes the binge. But I won't go there. Almost all of us have experienced this seeming endless cycle of weight management. Dieting is our national obsession! According to Mireille Guiliano's fascinating and sensible book, however, one can moderate and modify behavior and eat sensually - like the French. Bid deprivation adieu. Savor the food you love and loose the fat you hate.
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